The failure journal cover image - turn your failures into success

The Failure Journal

Because science has shown that in order to succeed you will fail... But not everyone who fails will succeed. 🐘

While everyone is telling you to live with passion, go forth with confidence and persist with purpose until you achieve your goals, I think we are overlooking the elephant in the room - failure.

This website journals about failure, discussing and learning from the elephant in the room. 

Science has shown that those who succeed have failed, and there are certain elements to the pattern of failure that can increase your chance of success. This elephant  can show you where you went wrong so next time you can get it right.

"Every failure is a step to success"

William Whewell

What is AK into in 2023?

  • November 2023  The many surprising medical uses of AI 'companion' robots >
    Is caring and a sense of connection to an AI robot really unexpected? Companion robotics certainly offer a window into the human social psyche... 
    I describe it as challenging our understanding of whether social interactions are limited to living beings.

  • October 2023   How to stay focused - 20 tips >
    Found some new ideas and was reminded of some old classics for focus and productivity in this podcast! 
    I describe it as practical, long ( I listened on 1.2X) and effective!

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