What's AK into in 2023? 😍

    • Here, I share a recommended listen or read ...  #enjoy

      November 2023 The Many Surprising Medical Uses of AI 'Companion' Robots >
       When pets first became part of the family, was it thought strange? Is extending this sense of caring and connection to an AI robot really unexpected? Companion robotics certainly offer a window into the human social psyche... 
      I describe it as challenging our understanding of whether social interactions are limited to living beings.

      October 2023 How to Stay Focused - 20 Tips >
      Stumbled across this  episode of the The Hardcore Self Help Podcast with Duff the Psych  and if the podcast title doesn't get you in alone, you might find some new tips on focus and productivity. My new favourite was to set yourself an outline of where you are up to and what you are doing next before leaving a task!
      I describe it as practical, long ( I listened on 1.2X) and effective!

      September 2023 To go or not to go… into the office? >
      I know, another episode of the Fixable podcast, right? I have been advocating for specific days being marked for people coming into the office to optimise interaction and benefit to attend the office. Apparently this is about creating anchor days.
      I describe it as on my wavelength and relevant in the post-covid (I know it's still here) workplace.

      August 2023 Joseph Herscher and Rube GoldBerg Machines >
      I may have learned about Joseph  on an episode of Choiceology ( Fail Betterabout how failing a squillion times before you succeed  is part of process.  But learning what a Rube Goldberg machine is (think complicated , multistep machine to perform simple task you could do yourself in 30 seconds) and watching Joseph's channel has me mesmorised AND entertained!
      I am just obsessed with these crazy machines!

      July 2023 How to finally make meetings productive >
      Across the across the US, UK, Germany and Switzerland, unproductive meetings cost companies about half a trillion dollars a year. So, here is an example of failure! However, meetings are vital to growth according to forme COO or Stripe in this episode of the Fixable podcast.
      I describe it as food for thought, with some  practical ideas that I will be implementing at my next meeting!

      June 2023 The science of self-compassion >
      You will fail better if you have self-compassion. However, we are wired to have compassion for others and criticism for ourselves. A super interesting listen! This A Slight Change of Plans podcast episode delivers on science and practicality.
      I describe it as science-based, with practical applications you can start using today

      May 2023 ChatGPT Bot Flunks Gastroenterology Exam >
      Having failed the odd medical exam or two myself, I feel a kinship with ChatGPT over this one. But I'm sure the ChatGPT developers will be looking into this fail and honing the AI's ability to pass medical exams in thye not too distant future.
      I describe it as purely for interest and for insight into current capabilities and limitations of AI

      May 2023 Bonus! Interested in AI in medicine, you may also like this:  AI at the Office: Are Clinicians Prepared? 

      April 2023 Revealing your Unconscious >
      If you don't know too much about implicit memory (the memory you have without remembering it) or want to know why men are more likely to become famous overnight then women – this 2-part podcast from Hidden Brain is for you!
      I describe it as surprising, enlightening and science-based

      March 2023 The Bad with the Good >
      While this Choiceology podcast episode is about moral licensing, what rocked my day today was learning the story behind Alfred Nobel and the Nobel prizes. Don't read the blurb on the link if you want to hear the story from scratch. 
      I describe it as fascinating and history in the making

      March 2023 Stick to Your Goals with Dr Maya Shankar >
      A podcast episode discussing how 90% of people don't reach their new year's resolution goals and what to do about it.
      I describe it as informative, credible, practical

      Feb 2023 Tame Your Inner Critic > 
      An Audible podcast that I recommend with no affiliation. I just love this and listened to it for the second time just recently, as well as recommending it to a friend. If the topic's of interest to you, I recommend it to you!
      I describe it as quirky, insightful, useful and practical

      Feb 2023 Exploring Your Possibilities >
      There is a nugget in here abour finding your purpose. Not sure what you want to do? Start here - good information about change and purpose.
      I'd describe it as very chatty, but with positive impact. My favourite quote: "if you don't know what your purpose is in life... your purpose is to find your purpose"

      Feb 2023 Peter Railton on AI and Ethics > 
      I loved this, especially the bit where they introduced an ethics machine to overcome the problem-solving machine'sunethical decisions. But the problem-solving machine overcame the ethics machine to solve its problem (as programmed) #scary #westworld. This gets a little scientific but nice description of different AI learning which I should add is steeped in failure :)
      I'd describe it as trending, interesting and scientific


Tags: BehaviouralScience

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