Lux'd out – June '23

Dear FJ,

I have a 20-something niece who likes her birthday gift to be an outing, which suits me down to the ground because I LOVE to go out! So I found the perfect film for us to see (Joyride) and created a very home-made, but I would like to add 'hilarious', card indicating that we would have a LUX nite at the movies in a few weeks. (LUX is Hoyt's cinema's luxury cinema experience, complete with dinner brought to your reclining chair if you so choose #IChoose.)

At the time of putting together this awesome outing idea, Joyride was about to be showing everywhere, in and out of LUX cinemographic experiences.

2 weeks later when I went to book the actual outing, Mission Impossible had stormed our parade and no more LUX viewings were available for Joyride.

This was VERY stressful and VERY disappointing. I had worked hard to put this idea together...

BUT FJ, let me be clear this was out of my control. Lately the cinemas in Sydney only make session times and booking available a week before attendance. And I REALLY wanted to see Joyride (and thought my niece would enjoy it too!!), so I sucumbed to booking at a local hoyts (nonLUX) near where my niece lives.

This is an example of where things are beyond your control, and reminds me about not only accepting but embracing those situations. 'Making the most of it' might sound lame, but actually it is a portal for opportunity. Prepare to be surprised, prepare for something different, prepare for an experience.

See my success update to continue!

 Success Update!

It turns out Mission Impossible was VERY popular so they needed to use all the larger cinemas at Broadway (did I mention that is where we were going?) to accomdate the Mission Impossible viewers.

So, we were in for an opportunity, and it turned out that the smaller cinemas were the LUX cinemas – so we got a LUX reclining chair, without the dining experience but with choc tops and M n Ms! #NextBestThing

And I should add my niece gave Joyride a 9/10 💖If that is not success, what is ❣️

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| Dr AK Barclay
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