Overcommitted – March '23

ak overcomits - image of snowball

So. FJ. 

I've done this before.

Working 2 jobs (3 including you), I keep saying YES I can fit that in... But NO I can't!!

Not without burning the midnite oil, which snowballs further into being unable to:

  • meet family commitments – like phoning my mother
  • be kind to the people closest to me – I've been a brat!
  • give my pets the attention they deserve – my cat is 18, you'd think I could spend some time with her
  • look after myself, like get to the gym for once this year
  • keep up with the ironing – OK this shouldn't be getting me down. In fact , if I was phoning my mother, maybe this could be sorted.

So the solution is to realise that things take me MUCH longer than I think and I need to set some boundaries.

I need to write an article on setting boundaries – because setting some boundaries could lead to avoiding unnecessary failure.

But how exactly to set boundaries, I need to look into that.

Watch this space 👀


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| Dr AK Barclay
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