Celebrate success

Outline of person with stars around themPay attention when you don't fail! Work out what worked, when you succeeded. Then do that again, and again and again.

Science has shown that we may learn more from our own successes than from our failures.  This is because when we succeed, we are more likely to put this down to being due to our own actions. When we fail we more often think it is because of reasons external to us. (This is called attribution theory.)

So studying what we did when we succeeded, can be a strong learning opportunity.

Also, celebrating your successes will provide some balance – you’re not failing at everything - you’re not failing all the time. 

So how do you celebrate success?

  • Write it down in a journal
  • Note it in your calendar with a star
  • Take a photo – it will come up in your memories from this day!
  • Tell a friend
  • Buy a treat
  • Or add it to your success jar
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| Dr AK Barclay
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