Draw inspiration from others

To represent inspiration is a book with stars arrowing outWhen you have failed or when you fear you will fail, or you just don’t think you will succeed, it can be difficult to get started and take action. You may call this procrastinating.

What can help motivate you to move forward, is the stories of others who have taken action. And who better to tell you this than those who have gone for it and succeeded despite failure or adversity.

No matter what your favourite media, get motivated or moved to act and believe in yourself.

Draw inspiration from others who once failed, feared failure or achieved something beyond their wildest dreams.

And you can find these stories instantly anywhere , so there is no excuse not to try this next time you feel stuck. Here are some examples

  • Read a motivational story, in a book or on a website
  • Listen to podcast with a story of success in your industry
  • Watch a YouTube success story or true story film on overcoming adversity
  • Find a meme or epic failure quote for a quick lift
  • Ask Alexia / Google / Siri or ChatGPT* to tell you an inspirational story about someone who achieved great success despite failure

Now on your marks, get set, GO!

*If you are asking ChatGPT make sure to specify a ’true’ story, because my first attempt at a response from ChatGPT was a tale about a solar powered backpack - which I found more questionable than inspirational!

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| Dr AK Barclay
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